Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is Coming!!

The majority of people don't actually spend that much time in their houses and when they are there, a significant amount of that time is spent asleep. Despite that, I think the average person's goal is to make their home a sanctuary...somewhere where they can relax and forget the troubles of their day, a place that they can enjoy time with their family. During the New England winters, we tend to spend a lot more time indoors and we long to spend time outside of our house. With temperatures reaching 60 degrees yesterday, it really set off a feeling of spring fever for us. I walked outside and breathed in the fresh smelling spring air and a million things popped into my head...thoughts like opening the windows and getting fresh air, summertime, trips to the beach, and cookouts. It also conjured up thoughts of spring cleaning and what the yard is going to look like once that nice white blanket of snow melts away. All those times when I was out shoveling or had someone plowing our driveway in the thick of a snow storm and the snow may have been pushed just a little too far or I thought "I think my fence is over there"...all is revealed in the springtime. Here in New England, spring tends to be a short lived season. One day it's 30 degrees and threatening snow and the next day it's so hot and humid you're saying "uncle" and wondering when fall will arrive. There's only a small window of opportunity to get it all done, hence spring cleaning will be in full swing soon!

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